QuestionBarrie. Back in September we had several conversations regarding the clutch of my '67 MGB. After trying every possible alternative we concluded that the engine would have to come out and the the clutch repaired. ( Just to refresh). Anyway....
The engine did , indeed, come out and yes, it was the ( for lack of a better description) the receiving plate for the clutch bearing is the culprit. Of the 3 straps that hold it in position to depress the fingers, two of them were rusted and broken off. Ta Da! The clutch won't operate..
It has been a long cold winter. The engine and trans have been inside warm an toasty until now ( March) The car has been outside. With the engine out I took the opportunity to fix a lot of rust and underside problems.
I have replaced the clutch and bearing entirely. New master and slave. new fluids. Everything is fine. Thank You. However.....
Engine is back in. new mountings. new bolts. new seals on exhaust.
new oil filter. new spark plugs. firing set up 1-3-4-2. ( also new ring gear.) Fixed heater control. new air filters.
When we removed engine all we took off was : distributor cap, exhaust pipe ( not manifold), air cleaners, water connections, coil, alternator,starter, and oil filter. Did not touch valve cover, carburetors ( dual SU) or timing cover.
All back in and started engine. At first running rough then starts to back fire. . I drove it around parking lot. ( Clutch and trans working fine, thank you ) Starts running rougher and back firing more, and more and more and then a lot! Tried to move forward and losing power. ( This is all occurring within about 10 minutes. Back firing is very loud coming from front and back. Then some white smoke in hood. I shut down and discover I'm back firing through rear carburetor, ( white smoke is from airfilter). This not good. Didn't have a fire but could have blown the whole thing up.
Front carb is cold to the touch, rear is hot.
uh.... Any suggestions?
AnswerHi John. Thank you for confirming that my diagnosis of the clutch problem was correct. Always glad to help.
This new problem sounds like the timing is way out, possibly the two rear spark plugs reversed.
1) Check again that you have wired the plugs 1-3-4-2 counting in an ANTI-clockwise direction. My guess is that you have wired it 1-2-4-3.
2) Next check that the distributor timing is still correct, because you may have given the distributor body a knock and rotated it a little.
3) Check that you have rewired the coil correctly. The plain white wire should go to the terminal marked SW (+ on later cars).
You were asking about my book on the MGB. It is called "Barrie's Notes" and it is only available from the MG Car Club. Try this link:
Regards, Barrie