MG Car Repair: Original SU Carbs for MG TF 1500, ebay motors, british cars

I am looking at a set of Su Carbs on Ebay. They are H4 type(1.5")AUC6020's. Front is #6030 & Rear is #6021. Do you know if these are an original set for a TF 1500??? The ad also list the #'s on the Float Chambers too, #3495 front & #3496 rear??? I've tried to find out online but so far all I have found out is that AUC6020's were used on numerous different British cars.

Many Thanks,


Hi Fred.  I found the TF carbs on Ebay Motors.

They look correct to me:

Float chambers are large diameter, left and right handed.  
Float chamber lids are also handed, and they have tickling pins.  
Choke actuating levers look correct.
The manifold is obviously XPAG or XPEG.

I would be confident that these came from a TF.
The bodies are too short for a TD Mark II.