QuestionQUESTION: I have a 1979 MG Midget and I know the engine is a 1500 because the number on the block begins with FP. I was thinking about installing a new ignition coil just to upgrade parts on my car. I'm supposed to get a ballast coil with 4 slide on wire connections for my 1500 engine. So while I was doing research on my car and engine I can see that my distributor has a set of points. It's supposed to be electronic ignition, without points from what I've read. And I see that there's no vacuum on my distributor, but all pictures of any MG engine have a vacuum. Any thoughts on these things?
ANSWER: Hi Paul,
The electronic ignition on the Midgets was so unreliable that many owners replaced the distributors with the older pointed distributors from an older Spitfire. The engine in a 75-on Midget was a Triumph Spitfire engine. With no vacuum advance you may have to play with different advance settings but generally the total timing will be about the same.
some mechanics heat the engine up and advance the timing a little at a time and rev the engine up from idle and when they start getting a little "Pinging" they back (retard) the timing about 5 degrees then drive it and try to accelerate from a low RPM in high gear to see if they get any "Pinging" if so retard another 5 degrees. Then check the timing and compare it to the specs for your model Midget.
It is very important that you stay just a little below the timing that would get the "Pinging" as it is detonation which is destructive to the engine.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks so much Howard. My follow up question is, since I have the distributor from an early 70's Midget/Spitfire I want to get new points, cap, etc. No problem, but do I still get a ballasted ignition coil? Thanks again, Paul
AnswerPaul, If you have a pointed distributor you must have a Triumph distributor not an MG Midget because all Midgets from 1974 and earlier were Austin engines and the distributors in those engines will not fit a 1975 and later Midget engine as they were all Triumph Spitfire engines.
If you use a ballast required coil (usually 6v) and matching wiring, you must use a ballast resistor.
If you use a 12v coil you need to use no ballast resistor and use the matching wiring.
Since someone has altered your car, I have no way to tell you what you have. You need to locate a local British car specialist in your area to look at it to see what has been changed on the car (coil and resistor and wiring)