MG Car Repair: 74 MGB will not turn over, engine cranks, match book
QuestionWas out on a drive and it just stopped running. The engine cranks, is getting gas but just will not turn over. Took the distro cap off and replaced the "intermotor?" and the capacitor but is doing the exact same thing. Just can't get the engine to start. I am a novice, had the car running for 4 years, never changed plugs or wires. Thoughts? many thanks.
AnswerHi Connie,
There is a step by step procedure to test an engine for why it will not start. If you suspect ignition do this.
Remove a spark plug and put the plug wire back on the plug and lay the plug on a metal part of the engine and have someone try to start the engine. As the engine spins you should see a spark at the end of the spark plug. The spark should be as thick as a pensile lead and be blue in color (not in the sun light)
If you do not see a spark remove the distributor cap and remove the small white w/black tracer wires off of the coil. Then have someone spin the engine over with the starter and watch the contact points in the distributor very closely. You should see them open and close as the engine spins. If they do not open and close you need to adjust them so they open about .012" to .015" (about the thickness of a paper match book cover)
Next you need a 12v test light or a volt meter. Turn the engine manually (best way to do that is to put it in 4th gear brake off and move the car by hand) Turn the engine over until you see the contact points open then put the white w/black tracer wires back on the coil and turn the ignition to ON (not start) take the 12v test light and check the white w/black tracer wires for power. They must have power at this point. If they don't you installed the points wrong.
If you have power turn the engine until the contact points close and test again. With the points closed you must NOT have power on the white w/black tracer wires. This would indicate that the points are dirty or not adjusted correctly.
Let me know,