MG Car Repair: 1978 MG Midget Gearbox Overhaul, speedometer drive, main bearing

I have figured out most of the disassembly sequesnce for this gearbox but in order to remove the mainshaft from the box the speedometer drive gear apparently needs to be taken off the mainshaft.  How is it properly removed? It appears to be plastic and a very tight fit on the shaft. All this for a couple bad syncros. Your help would be appreciated.

Hi Perry,
It is easier to first remove the clip at the center main bearing and remove the bearing spacer and clip out to the speedo gear then (if you don't have a puller that will reach the bearing) just use a brass or aluminum drift to drive the bearing off which will apply even pressure on the speedo gear so as not to destroy it. Without all of the special BLM tools it is sometimes a little work to get the bearing out of the case enough to be able to pry the bearing out. You can get it started after you remove the input shaft (1st motion shaft) and the 3rd/4th hub assembly by bumping the end of the main shaft to the rear with a brass or aluminum drift.It will not move very far due to the 1st gear but just enough to get under the lip of the large snap ring on the main bearing. Some are easy and other can be hard to remove.

Once you get the bearing out, slid it up to the speedo gear to have something to force against the speedo gear. If you can't get a puller at that time you can just use a brass or aluminum drift to drive against the inner race of the bearing. Don't beat on the outer race or you will for sure damage the bearing.
