QuestionQUESTION: Howdy, slave clutch problem. in stop and go the other day, as i took off finally. herd a noise like i ran over something. with the pedal dead in nowhere land i took ten years off the car to get it home, buy way of finaess gear changing,not so finaess. things were flying off from under the car, no clutch. 2 question, these parts from inside bell housing? howd they get out? what could be coming apart? or could it just be the pressure plate/clutch assembley itself. guess that is 3 Questions. thanks in advance.
I cannot be absolutely sure what has broken, but the fact that you drove home tells me that the clutch assembly still works, so the problem probably lies elsewhere.
I guess it could be something simple, like the slave cylinder has fallen off the bellhousing, or the slave pushrod has snapped, but I doubt it. You could just have a look underneath to see if anything is dangling down or broken.
I hate to spoil your Christmas, but I think you have a more serious problem.
My guess is that part of the release mechanism inside the bell housing has either broken or fallen apart. For example, the pivot on the release fork could have come undone, or one of the clips holding the carbon thrust bearing could have come off.
You might be able to figure out what has happened by undoing the gaiter and looking inside the bell housing, but knowing what has happened won't really help you that much.
The only way to fix the problem is to separate the engine from the gearbox, and you cannot do that without first removing the engine, gearbox, and propshaft from the car as one single unit.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I know i need to go look, but its cooled. :) i have never removed a gear box on this kind of car and you have help me focus on how and what to expect to do so. i agree with your to start to my solved though. where to fine the slave cylinder, has helped and the proper procedure. i was wondering how it works. i imagine i will find out, i will go fine a exploaded view to put it back together. could i affirm that the propshalf is like the drive shaft? and it is one unit with the gear box?(Trans)? man thanks for the info, this is really nice of yall. i think this car is worth it,it is fun and runs really well. looks bad runs good. happy holidays
Midget Clutch
Before you start removing anything, can you get underneath and have a look at the slave cylinder? It is bolted to the side of the bell-housing between the engine and the gearbox. It is just possible that the clevis pin that holds the pushrod has sheared.
I attach a photo that may help you.
Yes, what we call a propshaft in England may be a callled a driveshaft in the USA. It is bolted to the back of the gearbox with 4 high tensile bolts. Unfortunately, on the Midget these bolts are almost impossible to reach because the underside of the bodywork is in the way.
I really don't recommend this as a job for a beginner. If you wish to do it yourself, you will need a good engine hoist and a selection of AF spanners and sockets.
I strongly advise you to spend $20 on a Sprite/Midget Workshop Manual, available from Moss in the USA.