MG Car Repair: FLASHERS, turn signals and break lights kaput, turn signal switch, turn signals
QuestionPlease let me know where to start- at the tail lights first and follow with meter or start at the switches, I do realize that a lot of the midget's wiring is series.....
AnswerHi Harvey,
You can start from either end but first you need a wiring diagram. Most Lucas turn signals operate the same. The turn signal switch is powered by the flasher unit and the switch sends the power out to either the right or left turn lights. The bulbs draw current and the flasher has a by-metal plate that heats up when the current goes through it and thus it flexes and disconnects the points. As soon as it disconnects it cools off and reconnects. Thus the blinking. Some MGs have the 4way flasher tied into the system to be able to flash all sides and a second 4-way flasher unit is also tied into the system. This depends on what year Midget you have.
If you have lights right and left but no flash I would just put a flasher unit in. But if you have nothing I would start at the source and test on to the flasher and switch as it is not likely that all four bulbs went at the same time. Use your diagram and test light to follow the trail. If you don't have a diagram let me know what year Midget you have and I will put a diagram up on my web site for you.
The brake lights are a different circuit and need to be tested separately using a diagram.