MG Car Repair: clutch pedal has no tension, clutch master cylinder, brake master cylinder
QuestionQUESTION: Howard, I backed my car out yesterday and once I took it out of reverse, I couldn't get the shift into any gear, and the clutch pedal had no tension. I checked the fluid in the reservoir behind the brake booster-it was low and I filled it. Still no tension. What does the pedal attach to? Maybe something is broken? How can I check or repair this?
ANSWER: John, you need to check the fluid in the clutch master cylinder not the brake master cylinder.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I guess you didn't see in my question...I did check the clutch master was low and I filled it up. What is the clutch pedal hooked up to? A rod,plunger? Could something have snapped...I can't see up under the pedal. The clutch master is not leaking, but there is fluid around the slave(near the clutch fork)Should I try to rebuild the slave or buy a new one? Thanks John
AnswerJohn, when you have a clutch hydraulic problem you need to rebuild both the master cylinder and the slave cylinder as when one is bad the other is either bad or close to it. If either one has pits in the bore you either need to have the cylinder sleeved of replaced as putting a new kit in a bore with pits will soon fail. Use DOT 4 fluid.