MG Car Repair: MGB rpm, fuel, and temp gauge, fuse box, spedometer
QuestionI'm 16 yrs. old, and my mom has recently started to let me drive her 74 1/2 MGB. I was coming home one night and the rpm, fuel, and temp guage all went out. Well, when I came to a four-way stop, I realized my blinkers weren't working either, but the hazards are working! Our spedometer hasn't worked since we bought it because the guy who had it before gutted the thing that hooks into the transmission. We are in the process of ordering a new one. The care is a real sweet one, and the guy who did the tune-up on it, said that it has a really great engine.
I would like to keep this car for a long time, but I know all good things must come to an end, but I hope you can tell me if I can fix this myself. I have redone the fuel lines and fixed the muffler. I hope this isn't as hard. Please help me!
AnswerHi Jonathan,
You need a 12v test light or a volt meter to run some tests. But first check to see if your brake lights and back-up lights are out too. If so, you need to look at the fuse box and check for power (with the key on) on the side of the fuse that has all the green wires on it and white wires on the other end. If the fuse is good clean the fuse and the clips that hold the fuse. If all that checks out let me know and I will give you some more tests to run.