MG Car Repair: 76 Midget starting, distributer cap, plug gap

QUESTION: Hi again, Jon with the 76 Midget (1275 motor in it). I replaced the needles
and seats in the carb bowls, as suggested--reset the floats best I could to
1/8th inch, changed the fuel pump to smaller unit (1.5-3 psi) and fixed choke
cable. Tried to start, motor cranks--no combustion. Plugs are dry now.
Popped the distributer cap off--fire order is correct on wires; rotor looks ok-
-cap slightly marked--nice and clean inside. Having problem checking if
point is gapped. Looks like fitting (point?) flat on contact. Remember, car has
sat (rebuilt motor) for years. Ran few years back b4 stored and I bought. Can
the point (gap) even if set right prior go out sitting>? I am having problems
checking this--also need to confirm if wire placement on plugs (ignition
leads) is 1,2,3,4 from front of car to back. Suggestions.? Prior I checked and
found a spark.

ANSWER: Jon, the cylinders are from front to rear 1234 but the firing order is 1342 on the cap. You just turn the engine and watch the points cam until it opens the points and the gap is .015" at that time. You should put a small amount of lube on the points cam and file or sand the points contacts as they could be corroded after setting.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It's late, but those points are set at about .015. I lightly sanded and cleaned
with a tiny residue of spirits and compressed air. I also changed out the
condenser. I did not get brave enough to pull the points right out, but they
looked ok. The cap is a bit worn--I lightly sanded the contacts. I will change
that in the future. I reset the plug gap, a couple where closer to .30 then the
.25 setting. Checked the connections local for ignition, all look ok and
cleaned with contact cleaner a couple. Anything else to check/ try for the
start up again? I plan on choke out, and running pump for a couple seconds
first...gas peddle a couple pumps and crank.

Frustrating considering the simplicity of gas and spark! I really hope this
thing gets running.

Again, much thanks!

Jon, if you have done all that and it does not start you need to start from scratch,
Run a compression test (throttle open and at least 4 or 5 revolutions) You should see 135 to 170 PSI.
Pull a spark plug and attach it to it's wire and lay it on a metal part of the engine and spin the starter and note if the spark is blue in color and thick as a lead in a pensile. Set the timing correctly and get a can of starter fluid or something like WD-40 and have someone spin the starter while you spray into the intakes. If it starts and only runs for a second or two you need to look at the fuel system. Did you drain the stale fuel out of this car and install fresh gas?
Run a manifold vacuum test (throttle closed) If you show little to no vacuum and you did a compression test, check the core plugs on each end of the intake manifold and try removing the muffler. A totally stopped up muffler can show no vacuum on a vacuum test.
One of these should show you what is wrong.
let me know,