QuestionI have a 67 mgb and removed the flywheel and had it resurfaced. Is there a right way to install the flywheel? My engine won't start and I have checked ingnition wiring, spark, fuel and all is good. What do I check next?
Thanks Mike
AnswerHi Mike,
The MG flywheel does need to be installed with the mark on the outer edge of the wheel lined up with #1 and #4 throw of the crank. The mark is (1/4). However, this has nothing to do with an engine not starting. It only is for balance.
When an engine does not start you need to check the only three items a engine needs to run. compression, fire and fuel.
compression = 135 to 170 PSI on a compression test.
Fire = a thick blue spark at the correct time on the correct cylinder.
Fuel = a combustible fuel available to a combustion chamber.
Run a compression test (throttle open an at least 4 or 5 revolutions) Check the ignition timing and the order of wires in the cap. 1,3,4,2
Then spray starter fluid into the intake while someone tries to start it. If it starts and runs only while you spray than you have a fuel problem. If it does not try to start, you have either a compression problem or you have an ignition problem.
If this car has not run for years remove the exhaust pipe from the manifold and try it.
Let me know,