MG Car Repair: 1977 MGB cluch pedal problem, clutch master cylinder, bleeder valve

I have a 77 MGB and no clutch pedal at all. I have rebuilt the clutch master cylinder with rebuild kit, replaced the slave cylinder,replaced the hose, getting fluid to slave cylinder no blockage, tried bleeding several different ways but no pedal.Any suggestions.

Hi Doug,
It is sometimes difficult to bleed the air out of a clutch system because the line from the master to the slave is large and you are trying to bleed downward. Each time you pump up the master and open the bleeder on the slave the air moves partway down the line and then you close the bleeder and start pumping the pedal again but while you are pumping the pedal the air in the line migrates upward and you repeat the process. Do this.

Put a clear plastic hose on the bleeder valve and put the hose in a jar and open the bleeder valve and just wait. Soon you should see brake fluid (DOT 4)dripping into the jar. Let it continue to drip and keep an eye on the reservoir level. Don't let it run out or you will have to start over. When the level is down to about half, close the slave bleeder valve and force the slave piston rod back into the slave cylinder with a pry bar. Then pump the clutch pedal in very slow long strokes until you feel resistance on the pedal.

If you didn't get fluid to drain form the reservoir then you either have a pedal that is sticking down or your kit in the master cylinder was not installed correctly. When the master is correct, fluid will drain from the reservoir to the slave freely.

let me know,