MG Car Repair: follow-up, fuse box, light test

QUESTION: asked to many questions,but what about the wiring problem,any ideas would be helpful.


ANSWER: Sorry Andrew, I thought you had the charging and starting problem but I don't remember what wiring problem you are referring to. You will have to refresh my memory. I am older than dirt so my memory is not great.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes I still have starting and charging problems,but with all the fuses romoved from the fuse box all the front lights will work when you operate the light switch, could this be the power drain I have been looking for.


How did you determine you had a power drain? Battery cable off and a test light between cable and post? (with everything turned off)
If you have not tried to correct starting/charging system problem be sure to unplug the alternator when doing the test light test for a drain. Do you have a wiring diagram for your car? It is the first and main tool necessary to find electrical problems.
I found while working in dealerships that I must not try to think what is wrong but instead, do a systematic test to narrow down the area where the problem is. I always found the problem and was always surprised what I found. This was true do matter what kind of problem the car had. Electrical, mechanical or hydraulic. If it had several problems and I found one, I had to correct it before searching for the next.