MG Car Repair: 64 MG midget transmission problem, forward gears, oblong piece

QUESTION: I can't get it to shift into reverse. It works fine in the forward gears but seems to be locked out of reverse.

ANSWER: Hi Rich,
Have you owned the car for some time or are you a new owner? The reverse detent is hard to depress so you won't shift into reverse by accident when down shifting from 3rd to second. The reverse detent could be stuck. The reverse shift rail could also be stuck (less likely) or even the reverse idler in a bind on it it's shaft. (also not likely)
If you are a new owner, put the shift lever in neutral and all the way to the right side. With an open hand held about 6 to 8 inches further to the right. Firmly hit the shift lever all the way to the left and see if it goes into the reverse pattern. If it goes into the reverse pattern but will not shift into reverse, then you have no option but to remove the engine and transmission to gain access to the gear box for disassembly.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: This is the first time I have tried to shift into reverse since owning the car. It was a hulk that I'm restoring as an EV. I think it is the original transmission but there is no room for the shift lever to move left of the 1st/2nd gear positions. There is space to the right of the 3rd/4th gear positions. I did try to jar it in that direction but it won't go.

If that is true you have no options because there is nothing you can do outside the trans. You can try one thing before removing the engine and trans to find the problem. Remove the tunnel carpet and remove the large cover. Forward and to the left is a sheet metal cover on the trans tail housing. Remove it and look at the shift mechanism then watch when you move the shift lever to see if you can see what is wrong. If the oblong piece is in the way it can be removed but be aware it has to be wiggled around even when the oblong plate is free of the case because it has a two fingered piece that prevents shifting into two gears at once. Note how it is in so you can see how it must go back. You should purchase a service manual if you intend to keep this car. My preferences are Bentley manual first, Haynes second and Clymers third. Unless You can find an OEM manual (unlikely) Most every part is still available for this car and there are more mail-order MGB parts suppliers today than there were when the car was being made.