MG Car Repair: 79 trunk lid, mk ii, factory manuals

Will a 76 trunk lid fit a 79 midget, and also thanks for the wiring diagram, It was the same as  the book I have , If you have a simpler one please let me know, you have to have e degree in ee to understand that one. thanks Ed,     [email protected]

Hi Ed,
I agree about the diagram however, I have not seen any good ones out there. I have been in the British car business for many years and the only good diagrams for any car that I have seen was the factory training manual for the Series III XJ-6 Jaguar. They separated every item in the electrical system and showed only the diagram of that circuit with a locator on the opposing page. This requires a whole manual just of diagrams for one car but it was the best in the world. (probably very expensive too) VW made one that was close to that too. The worst in the world was Fiat.
I was a hot line answer-man for mechanics for 15 years after I quit pulling wrenches and teaching mechanics and I had access to a library of factory manuals for 23 brands of foreign cars and every model of each brand spanning 10 years and more in some cars and none matched the Jag wiring manual. I was tempted to draw up each car in the same method but never got around to it.
As far as the trunk lid, I have not tried the swap you are thinking about but as far as I know they were the same from the first Mk I midget and Mk II Sprite all the way to the end of the line. The holes for the badge and the trunk lid support did change but I think the lids were all the same.