Question in your answer on how to jump start am-1009 with a regular 12 v. the 2 mil. batts that have the connector cable between them have to be disconnected to isolate the 2 batts. from each other, so that the fwd. batt. can be isolated and used for jumping with a reg. auto ????
AnswerHello Edward,
No, don't unhook anything.
You can jump to either battery, but the front one is almost always the one that needs it.
Just treat the battery as if it were just a plain old battery, which it is, and connect the jumper cables from your other 12 volt vehicle, + to +, and - to - as they are marked on the battery.
Just make sure the vehicle bumpers are not touching.
If you need to jump or charge the rear battery....same thing. Unhook both jumper cables from the front battery, and clamp them on the rear battery, just like it is marked...+ to +, and - to -.
Don't go by the color of the cables. Go by the marking on the batteries.
+ to +, and - to -.