QuestionFirst off i'd like to say i appreciate what u are doin for our country.Keepin it safe and all.
What is ur name? What is your title? How did u decide ur career? Why'd u choose it? Any special training needed? Most and least satisfying things about ur job? Hardest part on getting started in the job? Major setbacks? Do u get promotions? What is an average work day? reasons for people not being successful?
AnswerHi Wes,
First I would like to clarify, that just because I know a bunch about military vehicles, doesn't mean I am currently in the military.
I was in the military, but that was years ago, and I also appreciate the efforts and sacrifices our military personnel do and accept.
I was just always interested in working on trucks, and that is what I did in the Air Force, during the Viet Nam War.
My job was pretty much like a civilian job.
it is the front line soldiers that really have it tough.
Sorry I couldn't help more,
Former Air Force Staff Sargeant
General Purpose Vehicle Repairman.