Mitsubishi Repair: Intermittent problems starting, mitsubishi montero, check cables

Engine Performance problem
1998 Mitsubishi Montero 6 cyl Four Wheel Drive Automatic 126000 miles

Intermittent problems starting. Battery was replaced, cables checked by mechanic and new ends put on, ignition switch replaced.
No engine response when you turn the key, lights radio and heater turn on. Tried starting in neutral - no different. Seems like we open the hood look around check cables and slam the hood and it will start when you try it again.
We have a check engine light on - mechanic said this was not related to the problem but alerting us about something to do with transmission (sorry cant remember exactly but it didn't seem imperative).
Problem occurs weeks apart and sometimes two or three times in one day.

This is someone elses question, but im having the exact same problem seen it from a few other people as well, but no answers.

It sounds like the starter motor itself is the problem.  If you've replaced the battery, cables, and ends, the starter is your last major component in the system to start.  The starter is connected to the transmission, and if the starter cannot spin the transmission to get the engine starter, perhaps that's a cause for your check engine light for coming on.
Good luck!