Mitsubishi Repair: Part Name needed, brake master cylinder, piston assembly
Mitsubishi part needed
Hi there!
My Mitsubishi Raider 2006 3.5L has some issues.
The technician told me to buy the part in the pciture attached.
Unfortunately I don't know the name of the part and where to buy it. Would you please tell me the part name and if possible a link to a online store where I can buy it from? Please help as I have been unsuccessful no far. I am told that it is a part of the brake system but I have gone through the pci
This looks like the piston assembly from the brake master cylinder. I do not know much about the Raiders or where to get parts for them. But I'm sure if you search on line for a brake master cylinder repair kit for our vehicle that it should yield you the results you want.
Good luck!