Mitsubishi Repair: mitsubishi radio code, mitsubishi eclipse spider, mitsubishi radio
Questionwould you have any of the codes for a 97 Mitsubishi eclipse spider conv 2.4l 5 speed i now have the procedure just need the code or codes now can you help with that
If you still have the owners manual, look in there. When the car is new, it's usually stored on a card in there. Might be gone after all the years, but worth a look.
Else, take the radio out and get the serial number off the back. Take the car to the dealership along with the registration and that serial number and they will give you the code for free. The $40 fee is the labor fee for them pulling the stereo out to get the s/n. Complete this step for them, and they have no reason to pull the radio out, thus no reason to charge you.
Good luck!