Mitsubishi Repair: 1996 Eclipse 2.0 non turbo automatic starting problems, battery cables, dash lights
QuestionI have a 1996 eclipse 2.0 with a 167800 miles on it. I go out to my car and turn the key on to start and it makes a click noise but no dash lights come on. I turn the key again and the dashlights come on. On the third try the car started to turn over and eventually started. Once the car has been started I dont have problems with it but it seems like its trying harder to start than it should be. I started it today it started right up with a little hesitation. I cleaned the battery posts and have a battery charger with a tester on it it says the battery is a 100% charged and my alternator is also working. I am wonding if its the battery or if its the starter?
This may be signs of a dying starter motor. If this is your original starter motor, it may be time to replace it. If you have a mechanic do it, have them also load test the alternator and battery to make sure they are in good working condition. It may be a good idea to also replace and worn battery cables and terminal connectors.
Good luck!