Mitsubishi Repair: 2001 Galant sudden nonfunctioning dome lites, audio system and keyless remote system, auto parts store, great shape


We bought our daughter an '01 Galant 3 liter, in great shape and has been fine for the last six months. A couple of days ago, she went to her car after work and started the car. The dome lights didn't come on, the radio doesn't illuminate or power on, and she had to unlock the door with the key since the keyless system didn't respond. These seem to be the only things affected. I've checked the fuses inside the dash, and the dome and radio fuses under the hood and all seem fine.

What do these systems have in common? Why would they all fail simultaneously, and what else should I check? I'm trying to avoid shop charges at the moment, so any advice is welcome!


You may want to check the charging system.  Sometimes when the battery or alternator start to go, some of the car's nonessential electronics will shut down to preserve power.  If you have an AutoZone or other major auto parts store in your area, they will check your battery and alternator for free.  
Good luck!