Mitsubishi Repair: whining noise, cv joint, wheel bearing
QuestionHi, I have a 2003 Pajero petrol auto...just lately and randomly if going slow or going around a corner and starting to accelerate the car will make a whinning noise..after you come to a complete stop there is a clunk and the prob goes away..might happen three times in one day or once a week....mechanic cannot find you have any ideas
This occurrence may be an indication of a problem in one of a few potential components. There may be an issue with the power steering pump. If there is a lack of fluid, blocked flow, or worn pump bearing, you can experience a whining noise while steering. A bad CV joint on one of the axles, or worn wheel bearing can also cause a whining noise and clunking noise. More intrusive and difficult to diagnose would be a bad rear or center differential. You may need to have a transmission specialist or the dealership inspect the transmission and drivetrain to determine if the problem lies there.
Good luck!