Mitsubishi Repair: 2004 Mitshubishi Lancer new battery not starting, set screw, service engine soon light

My 2004 Mitsubishi lancer OZ rally manual has been having problems starting and the service engine soon light has been coming on and off for a few months. It has only recently been having problems staring, it would take a few minutes to start, not making any noise at all just not starting but once started it would be fine. So I bought a new battery because the battery was bad and now the car will start but will turn off if I don't keep my foot on the gas. It won;t stay on while idling. It has never had this problem before. Please help. Thank you so much.

Idling problems can be caused by a number of things.  A bad alternator, worn spark plugs, insufficient air or fuel supply, malfunctioning idle speed controller motor, or poor ignition timing can all lead to this problem.  Any problems to these items can happen quite suddenly.  In some cases, there is a base idle set screw that holds your idle that can pop out if its gasket has worn; preventing the car from idling at all.  Have your mechanic check these areas and hopefully they will find the cause of your problem.
Good luck!