Mitsubishi Repair: fair price for eclipse w broken timing belt, mitsubishi eclipse, charity organizations
I have a 2001 4 cyl. red Mitsubishi Eclipse coupe, 89,000 with some body damage on one side, not major. Probably $500 to fix it. But it doesn't start/turn over and the guess has been timing belt is broken. Could you tell me what is a fair price to sell it for as is? I listed it at $1750 and was offered $1000. My ex paid $9000 for it in 2006. Thanks.
If the timing belt is broken, that probably means there is internal engine damage as well. And that can be very expensive to fix. So the offer you had for $1000 may be reasonable if the engine is shot, along with the body damage you mentioned. Though some charity organizations will take donated cars and you can use it as a tax write-off, which may amount to closer to your asking price. So way your options.
Good luck!