Mitsubishi Repair: 97 Legnum 2.5 twin turbo problem, pcv valve, angle sensor
QuestionHad to have my legnum towed into the mechanics after it died suddenly. Car was under boost and as I took my foot off the accelerator it just stopped dead. Tried turning it over and it seems to try to turn over but cant quite catch. the mechanic has run diagnostics and that came back with no issues - he had tried a new computer but that hasnt solved the problem, the cambelt & fuel pump is all fine. The mechanic is now trying to locate a cam angle sensor to see if thats the problem. Does anyone have any ideas or clues as to what is going on?
This is a car I'm not familiar with, but be sure you mechanic inspects the fuel system for proper pressure and all air intake components. Even something as unsuspecting as a clogged PCV valve can cause the problems you're experiencing.
Good luck!