Mitsubishi Repair: Automatic Transmission Failed!!! Trying to fix instead of replace. 01 Mits Galant GTZ, galant gtz, new liquid
QuestionThe A/T stopped working I can't change gears when I move the stick to any gear. I took a out the transmission fluid and it came out black and thick, even when I put new liquid in. When I bled the trans oil out, it also smelled bad. I would like to know what is wrong with it? What parts I need to replace?
Bad/burnt fluid can clog up the valve body and start the transmission to slip. This could have caused the burning of the clutches and bands. At this point, you probably due for a entire transmission rebuild. There are so many parts involved in a transmission, that it's not worth trying to replace just one or two parts. I would recommend having your existing tranny rebuilt by a professional, or buy a rebuilt tranny.
Good luck!