Mitsubishi Repair: Starting issues, mass air sensor, mitsubishi gt

I own a 2000 Mitsubishi GT manual tran. Ok so problem It happened 2 weeks ago i ran my car to work came off of work to go home car won't start so I throw  2 gallons worth of gas into it just like a friend told me to do starts no issues I filled up the car same day i got it started now my gas meter is reading half a tank and didn't start i don't think i drove it to empty again put 2 gallons of gas into it and still won't start. I am think maybe fuel fuse is bad or going out or something else. I am going back to work today to see if i can get it started but any advice or knowledge answer that could help me save money on the repairs would be greatly appreciated.

Have the fuel pump checked.  There's a chance the pump is weak can is unable to provide adequate fuel pressure to start the engine.  If the fuel is really emptying that fast, you may have a leak or your mass air sensor may be failing and you engine is running extremely rich.  It may even help to have a couple mechanics check it out, and get a few estimates.
Good luck!