Mitsubishi Repair: TE Magna, drainage holes, chalk lines
QuestionI've just bought a TE Magna as a second car. All good except for the boot filling up with water. Spare wheel well had about 2 litres in it and all carpets wet.All boot seals are in good condition and marks on boot lid suggest they are all in contact. Where is it coming from?
The weatherstripping around the boot allows water to pass over it without letting it leak in. Though if that water flow slows down and begins to accumulate, it can begin to seep through. An easy check you can do so see where the leak may be is put chalk or talcum powder on the inside lip of the boot, close it, and then spray water on it for 5 minutes or so with the watering hose. Then open the boot and see where the chalk lines are wet. Also check the drainage holes at the base of the rear window to make sure there are no restrictions preventing the water from draining away.
Good luck!