Mitsubishi Repair: 94 Galant Charging System, using a voltmeter, alternator
QuestionI have a 94 galant and I can't get my battery to charge off of the alternator. I purchased a refurbished alternator and prior to installing it had it tested. Tested Good. The battery will take and hold a charge from the charger and is less than a year old so I believe it to be good. Installed on the car, and using a voltmeter, there is no change between taking a reading with the car running or turned off, essentially the alternator is not adding to the batteries charge, also there is no significant difference (.05) between testing at battery post, or directly of alternator. Testing the wires that plug into the alternator, both sides of the plug responded as they should. What else could be preventing my alternator from doing what it should do.
Even though your refurb alternator is only a year old, it may still have gone bad. If the alternator is not putting out 14 volts or more a little more while the car is running, our battery will be doing extra work to provide the extra power to the various electrical systems of the car. And over time, that will very quickly diminish the life of a new battery. The best thing to do is to remove the alternator and have it tested again. That will definitively tell you if the alternator is at least part of the problem.
Good luck!