Mitsubishi Repair: 2002 Diamante, wheel bearing, steering column
I drive a 2002 Diamante ES. A couple of times in the past 3 days when I came to a stop I heard a loud clicking noise coming from, what sounded to me, under the steering column. It only lasted 20 to 30 seconds then stopped. The air cond was on and the weather was in the high 90's. I'm sorry I don't know much about auto repair so I hope you've heard of this before. There is about 165,000 miles on the car.
If the ticking noise sounds electrical, that could indicate a bad relay. If you can "feel" the ticking and seems to be more of a mechanical ticking, that could indicate a CV joint or worn wheel bearing. Keep an eye and ear out for this noise to see if it persists and if you see notice any other systems. This way when you take it to you mechanic, you can provide as much information as possible.
Good luck!