Mitsubishi Repair: 12 volt lighter socket on Mitsibishi Galant 1997, auto parts stores, galants
QuestionI noticed the other day that my son's car has a broken lighter socket. I'm not able to remove it, but it won't go back in. Do I get a replacement unit to try to fix it myself, or do you think that I would need to get a mechanic to check the wiring or fuse situation? If I do get a replacement unit. Would it be easy to replace? I am a do-it-yourselfer, but I read that you need to be careful, not to cause a fire? He needs to get it fixed so that he would have a way of charging his cell phone while on the road. Thank you for your help.
Replacing the socket is not too difficult. Many auto parts stores carry a repair manual for the Galants. To remove the old socket, you should remove the front panel cover. The repair manual should indicate where (if at all) the screws are to remove it. There are usually only 2 wires that go to the socket and you can test the connection with a volt meter while the key is in the ON position. If you don't feel comfortable doing this job yourself, have a mechanic do it. I wouldn't too much about the risk of a fire.
Good luck!