Mitsubishi Repair: pwr light, power mode, middle position
QuestionI have 95 Montero, 3.0....The battery had to be replaced which caused a problem with the idle. It would start and when it warmed up it wouldnt idle. Just driving it around for awhile seemed to reset something in the system and that works fine now....However the PWR light on the dash is lit now...what should i look for, everything works fine.
To my knowledge, the indicator "PWR" signifies that your Montero's transmission is set to "Power" mode meaning it will stay on to a gear longer before shifting. Technically, what this means is that transmission will not use the top ratio and there will be more power; that is faster acceleration.
Should you want to turn this off (normal setting), there would be a switch on your center console with something like "A/T Switch" that has to be set to the middle position.
You may also want to have the alternator inspected. In most instances, the battery and alternator can fail together, and a poor charging system will cause poor idle.
Good luck!