Mitsubishi Repair: Lancer GSR, mass air sensor, mitsubishi lancer gsr

Hi I have a 1991 Mitsubishi lancer GSR 1.8L DOHC turbo with a 4G93T is the engine number. I would like to know the position of the outside temp sensor as it seems not to be working as it always reads 20 degrees C on the electronic heater / AC display  

I'm not familiar with the set up the Lancers have that were sold in New Zealand, but those same engines were used in cars that were sold in the States.  If the display of 20 degrees C is actually the outside temp reading, most ambient outside temp sensors are located in the mass air sensor that is attached to the air filter.  If the Lancers have a different set up, then my guess would be that a sensor would face forward.  Interesting, 20 degrees is the optimal outside temp that the engine will perform at its peak.  Some people trick the ambient outside air temp sensor so that it always thinks it's 20 degrees for optimal performance.  If this is a used car that you recently got, there's a chance the previous owner set it this way.
Good luck!