Mitsubishi Repair: Mitsubishi Monterro - bad head gasket?, advance auto parts, head gasket
QuestionLast night, the temperature gauge on my Monterro skyrocketed to HOT as I was driving home. I went to the nearest gas station to put water in the radiator, which was extremely low. As I filled radiator, brownish milk chocolatey colored water kept gurgling out splattering all over the engine. The temperature stayed at the HOT level, only fluctuating down a little bit if I revved the engine. I drove it straight home and haven't driven it today for fear of further damage. Is the head gasket bad or what is the best step for diagnosing problem? A mechanic said it is the head gasket without looking at it. A friend says to get a coolant pressure test? What do you recommend?
You can check for a bad head gasket by doing a compression test on the engine. If the gasket has warped, then you'll have below normal compression in one or more cylinders. Places like AutoZone and Advance Auto Parts offer tools you can lend for free so you can perform a compression test. The way you described the problem, it does sound like the head gasket has gone bad and the mechanic you spoke with is probably correct. Your best course of action may just to have the car towed to a mechanic. This way they can quickly do a compression test and then replace the head gasket.
Good luck!