Mitsubishi Repair: 2001 Eclipse Spyder GT, eclipse spyder gt, long term storage

I have had battery troubles after long term storage. I also have the issue Jarrod as, alarm goes off wen battery is reconnected, won't start etc. blah blah blah tested this n that. outcome... No power to the fuel pump. manual says the key has a chip that tells the security to resume normal operation, but the key is 9 years old now. can i just hot wire the fuel pump ( we did just to see if it would start...and it did) I'd prefer to get the problem correctly resolved but don't want to pay an arm and a leg just because my battery died. suggestions?

When the alarm is armed, there may be other components other than the fuel pump that do not get power.  And hot wiring the fuel pump is not a good idea for other reasons.  The chip inside your key should be fine.  It's not powered by any battery.  It simply gets induced when put into the key cylinder tumbler.  Your owners manual may describe the procedure to manually disarm the system.  Sometimes putting the key in the door and turn it twice to unlock.  Also hitting the unlock button on the key fob should disarm the system.  You can also inquire on a number of forums.  This is a good one for your particular car:
Good luck!