Mitsubishi Repair: fuel pump relay, fuel pump relay, mitsubishi galant
Question1998 Mitsubishi Galant es 4cylinder. I was driving and excelerated to pass a car when the car went into a hi rev and then stay for a few seconds then the engine shut down. I thought it was the fuel pump and changed it. I figured it was the fuel pump because I sprayed started fluid into the air intake and the engine started for a few sseconds and then cut off. After changing the fuel pump the car still would not start. I don't know where the fuel pump relay is on my car.
It's possible that your head gasket blew when you went into the redline. You should have a compression test done on the engine to see if all cylinders are still getting proper compression. You can check if the fuel pump is energizing by turning your key to the RUN position, but not actually starting it. You should detect 12 volts to the pump. That would confirm if the fuel pump relay is active. Typically the fuel pump relay is located under the steering column or under the glove box. You can also check the fusible links near the battery to see if the any have blown. Your ECU will detect other problems like poor ignition timing and prevent the engine from starting so it doesn't damage anything. There are all things you may need to have a mechanic check for you.
Good luck!