Mitsubishi Repair: its about when you have a car two years in the garage, problem whit, mitsubishi mirage
Questionhi Anthony falcone
well i have a problem whit my Mitsubishi mirage 2001 i have a car accident and i leave the car for two years in the garage but i start the engine 2 days a week . and start very good.
¿the question is the car throw white smoke in the muffler
and have a lifter noise when the engine is cold ?
ok maybe the lifter have dust ok i use Rislone lifter cleaner in the past and that noise disappear after a few oil change whit the rislone !!!
¿ i have to replace the valve gasket to quit the white smoke ?
or is water in the gas tank ? i dont know please i love this car give me a little help here
thanks and take care.
Anthony Lopez
AnswerThe white smoke and lifter noise is normal. The smoke is most likely the standing water that accumulates exhaust system which is begins to burn off when the engine is running. Lifter noise is common for engines that sit for a while.
Cars are engineered to be driven and can exhibit strange behavior when not driven for a while. Starting the car a couple days a week is good, but it would be better if you would at least drive the car several miles at least once per week.
Good luck!