Mitsubishi Repair: front left blinker/too fast, auto parts stores, blinkers
Questionwhen i turn my lights on, the left blinker on my dash stays lit up. when i turn my blinkers to the right their perfect, however when i turn them to the left, they blink REALY fast, the bulbs are fine, and the rear blinkers are bright, however the front left is very dim compared to the others. i have replaced the flasher behind my cd player, and chacked all fuses, bulbs and went through as much wireing as possible and have ran out of ideas. any sugestions before a large hammer comeing into place? ha
Though the bulbs may appear fine, the filament may be worn to the point that the the resistance is high enough to trip the warning light; which does include fast blinking and a constantly illuminated dash indicator. Try replacing the bulbs and see if that helps. Those bulbs are easy to find in most auto parts stores and are inexpensive.
Good luck!