Mitsubishi Repair: Eagle Talon (mits motor), eagle talon, money god
QuestionMy fuse to my coolant fan keeps blowing. It blew out, I replaced it, and the fan wouldn't kick on unless I turned on the A/C, and then it blew again. What is causing this?
AnswerKyle; I would say you have a short in the wiring someplace. No year of your car, but even so newer cars can get bad places in the wiring. Also I would check the fan relay, as it might be weak or bad too. When standing looking at the engine with the hood open, there are three small black boxes in with the engine, one up on the driver's side of the car and two over by the battery. In those boxes are relays and larger fuses. If you don't find the problem with any of those then there is a short someplace. You will then need to get a repair manual for your car and a voltmeter find the short that way. Or take the car to a shop. Oh most parts stores sell those repair manuals for around $20.00 and well worth the money. God bless: Linda