Mitsubishi Repair: mitsubishi eclipse shifting problems, clutch fluid, mitsubishi eclipse

5 speed manual trans has suddenly stopped going into gear. We have had below zero temps for a week. clutch fluid? where to check and what type of fluid?

Keith: The clutch is run by a hydraulic system, as in hydraulic fluid, in the same area as the brake fluid box, there should be a hydraulic fluid box. Check to see if you have any fluid in that box, if not add some to see if that helps the clutch but then you got to find the leak. As there is some what of pressure built up in the system with using the hydraulic fluid. Could be there is a seal out someplace, a hose broke or it has a leak in it. If you are going to work on your own car, a repair manual is in order too. Most parts stores sell them for around $20.00 and well worth the money as it will walk you through how to do things and what you will need.Go to a parts store tell them the year, make and model of your car along with engine size they should be able to tell you what  should be using for fluid for your clutch. God bless: Linda