Mitsubishi Repair: turbo problems, valve covers, jerks

i drive a 93 2.0 L eclipse and if i get on it hard the turbo kicks in but then it like back fires and jerks the car and then trys to build the pressure back up. and then lately i looked in my car and i found oil on top of the manifold. and i checked the fan inside the turbo and it is fine. please help me solve this problem i dont know what to do?

Tyler: Sounds like the valve covers are leaking so that the engine is not able to build up the pressure it needs. It is just the valve gaskets that need to be replaced, that would be the oil on the top of the manifold. I am going that this is a small amount of oil. Is the car using oil? If so there it is something else, you need to get this car into a shop and have that checked out too. When is the last time you did a good tune up on this car? I would be doing that too. God bless: Linda