Mitsubishi Repair: smoke shogun, mitsubishi shogun, weight oil
Questionwhy would a mitsubishi shogun smoke when just start and when u kickdown its not blue smoke its black smoke,i had e service and still doing it,
AnswerMc Gregor Aldonza: What weight oil are you putting into the car? Like maybe 10/30 weight? I had a guy write in the other day, that was putting in 40 to 50 weight oil to heavy for these cars. No year on the car or miles but could be the rings are getting bad, so you are getting oil blow by. Is it a lot of oil like enough that after you kick it down, you have to add oil to the engine? Or just that you can see the oil or maybe smell it a bit. Still if it has a lot of miles on the car, with kicking it down that will happen just due to the miles. You could have a pressure check done on the engine to see if everything is holding like the valves and things. But if the car is using oil, enough so that you have to add between oil changes than I would say your rings are letting oil by them. But you said you had it serviced, next time you do that talk it over with the shop and see what they think. Also have that engine pressure check too. God bless: Linda