Mitsubishi Repair: 1999 mitsubishi mirage 1.5 no throttle response, throttle position sensor, kinds of sensors
QuestionI bought this car not running and the previous owner said that a friend buick mechanic changed the timing belt and it hasn't run since. I bought the car and checked compression and my mechanics at the Volvo dealer that I work for said that the compression didn't look right so we pulled the head sent it off to be checked and installed new vavle stem seals. Reinstalled and set timing---NO CHANGE! Compression is ok now, but still will just barely idle but no throttle response at all. I took it to the local Mitsu dealer and paid to have it diagnosed. They said that the timing wasn't advancing or retarding automatically as it should. They recommended changing the distributor. I did that---NO CHANGE! They recommended changing the ECM and I did---NO CHANGE! No check engine light and runs fairly smooth at idle but will not change at all when throttle is pressed. I can put in first gear and car will move slowly around the lot. Any ideas what to do. I bought this car to fix up to drive to work for a cheap beater and it's no so cheap any more. PLease help
AnswerChris: Sometimes I hate these little car, have you tested the fuel pump to make sure it putting out enough fuel? These little cars are so nasty in that everything has to be working just right or they just won't work right. A test for the fuel pump well the pressure it is putting out is an easy test so I would try that. The computer a long with all kinds of sensors set how that car runs. So I was thinking maybe your throttle position sensor is weak or not working right. When I think how the computer runs everything in that car, along with the help of a lot of sensors something is not telling the computer the right story so the computer is running the car as if everything is right. But we both know it is not. You might have to get a meter, work your way around the car making sure all the sensors are putting out the right signals to the computer. Another thought was maybe you have a vaccum leak too, they can really mess up how these cars run too. This is from my repair manual... "The system is analogous to the central nervous system in the human body: The sensors(nerve endings) constantly relay signals to the ECM(brain), which processes the data and, if necessary, sends out a command to change the operating parameters of the engine(body). So just like in our bodies if something is not sending the right signals the body would not work right. So is the problem with your car. You will have to find out which sensor is messing up the car, and don't always think the computer will help you with this by throwing on the "check engine" light. Sometimes I think these cars have a sense of humor, they are always doing odd things. Like throwing on the "check engine" light just for the hell of it or not doing that too. You got to remember the computer controls everything in that car of your's. Along with all those sensors. I do pray you find the problem and hope this helped. God bless: Linda