Mitsubishi Repair: 90 Mitsubishi Mirage, manual transaxle, mitsubishi mirage
QuestionI have a 90 Mitsubishi Mirage with a manual transaxle. The problem is while I'm driving and push the clutch in to shift gears the whole electrical system goes dead and the car also dies, but as soon as I let the clutch out the car starts back up and everything comes back on. Thanks for any help
AnswerJim: My thought is there is a short in that the clutch is rubbing on a wire or a large wire group someplace. I know in those cars, they run a lot of wires through the steering column, which then runs back through the car to whatever needs power. Now either you can go out and buy yourself a repair manual, most parts stores have them. They cost around $20.00 as to get a wiring diagrams for your car. So you can understand how things work better and fix it yourself. Or take the car to a shop or dealership to have them find the problem. It might it that when the clutch is pushed in, it rubs on a wire that that is bring most the power into electrical system so it shorts it out. Though funny it does not blow a fuse. Neither way this needs to be fixed before you have a fire which would be the end of your car. So don't put this off get the car checked out. Sometimes this things are hard to find and so it would be better to let a shop or dealership find out your problem. You could have the computer coded too, it might show you what is doing on with the car also. God bless: Linda