Mitsubishi Repair: how to remove a dodge ram 50 engine, dodge ram, enough space
Questionhow do you take an engine out of a 1989 dodge ram 50 costume 4x4 2.6l automatic
AnswerMason: Listen do you know the job you are thinking about doing by taking an engine out of this 89 Dodge Ram? You think I can walk you through that on this site? You need to go out to a parts store and buy yourself a repair manual, they cost around $20.00 and are well worth the money. That manual will walk you through every hose, wire and what not that you need to unhook and label before you can remove that engine. Then you need an engine puller they cost around $150.00 as engines are heavy. You will need to have a garage because you need to keep dirt and dust from getting into the engine as you remove things off it. So go buy that repair manual, it will have pictures, a list of what to be removed and when and start there. Don't get mad at me either, there is not enough space on this site to write all that down. That is a big job and you need a repair manual for that job. God bless: Linda