Mitsubishi Repair: eclipse belt problem, eclipse gt, pulleys
i drive a 2001 eclipse gt. last week it started to squeal and then when i was driving it sounded really bad, like a grinding noise. i havent driven it since and i decided to look under the hood today. i really dont know cars, especially the engine ad belts. but i attached a picture of the problem (so i think). it looks like the belt is straight but the thing that spins (tension wheel i think?) is unscrewed or something. it is against whatever it to the left of it which i guess is causing the grinding noise. i would really appreciate help. i attached a picture to show the problem. also, the belt is not tight at all.
AnswerRyan: By looks of the picture it looks like the belt is off the pulleys, in that something has come loose and so the belt was able to move around when it should be tight enough not to do that. You need to get the belt replaced, have a shop put it back where it should be and find out what happen to tension pulley with an adjust bolt. My guess would be that the adjust bolt has come loose and let the belt move around to much. You could check the car yourself and see if you could find the that adjust bolt, put the belt back on the pulleys and tighten it down. Or else you will have to get a shop to fix this for you. But please replace the belt because the belt could have been damaged in what happen to it. God bless now: Linda