Mitsubishi Repair: Electrical problems, fuse box, windshield wipers
QuestionI left the window open less then 1/2 an inch and it rained all night long and I notice fogging on the lower part of some of the instrument panels and realized that my window was open a little. now my highbeams,back windshield wipers,turnsignals and fog lights wont work!
I cneck the fuses and they are fine? is there one individual fuse that would control all those at once that not in the typical fuse?
There are multipurpose fuses that do control several items. You should check and test all the fuses just to make sure they are all working. It may help if you can let the car sit and completely dry out before trying to turn it on again. Else, you may need to have a mechanic inspect the fuse box to see if it's still making proper connectivity.
Good luck!