Mitsubishi Repair: alternator, loosy, montero
AnswerNick: Do you know what the alternator looks like? You need to go out and buy yourself a repair manual. Most parts stores have them and they cost around $20.00 well worth the money if you are going to do your own work on your car. It will walk you through everything you might run into when changing that alterator.God bless: Linda
Listen Nick: I don't get paid anything to do this for people, if you can find the alternator, if you got the part take it out to your car and find the old one still in the car. You then find the bolts that hold the alternator to the car, I got to tell you it is pretty easy to take the old one out and it is darn hard to get the new part tight enough for the belts runs as they should. But you sound like a bright guy, I am sure you will have no trouble. A repair manual would help you understand how do that. But being you are so bright, I am sure you will have no problem with any of this. And one wonders why you wrote in the first place?! Ok sunshine this is right out of my repair manual.... remember to remove the neg cable off the battery before you start. Would not want the fan to start up while working on the car. Ok, well the cars I work on are different then your's. So not a lot help I fear. Still you can find the bolt that holds the alternator to the car, where will be two of them, you will have to loose that bolt till the alternator and the belt comes loose. Remember lefty loosy, righty tighty. You will have to pull out both bolts once you want to take the old alternator off and then put them back in to tighten down the new part. That repair manual would explain just how tight you want that belt but you have chosen not to buy one so you my dear friend are on you own. Maybe you could some how measure the belt, old alternator and see where the belt should go when you put on the new part. Or hey, you could go out and buy a new belt too. Sometimes it is good to change that, at the same time. Well listen, good luck on this. It is Friday and I am going to enjoy my evening!