Mitsubishi Repair: cranks but wont start, worst case scenario, car wont start
Questioni was driving my 96 gs on the highway and i heard a squeak from my belt and the car just shut off. when i parked it i noticed there was coolent leaking. turns out thats the water pump but for some reason my car wont start. gas tank is full, battery and alternator are fine, starter is new. we took out a spark plug and put it against the valve cover and tried starting it and there was no spark, but the spark plugs still look brand new. i am clueless!
There may be a problem with the ignition coil; have it tested. Also check to make sure you have not blown any of your fuses or fusible links, and that your engine is getting fuel (i.e. your fuel pump is working properly).
Since your water pump died, it's possible your engine overheated. This can cause your engine to seize up. This is the worst case scenario, but it's worth checking everything.
Good luck!